Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 25: comrade in arms...

As long as I can remember, I've been a fan of stories. I used to make myself sick reading in the back of the car on winding mountain roads, refusing to stop until I couldn't bear it any longer. This path led me to discover the wonders of fantasy in the world of Lloyd Alexander and his young hero, Taran. We watch as Taran's world expands and as old and new friends join him to challenge and aid him in facing the trials of ever changing circumstance.

Among these comrades he meets Eilonway, a fairly talkative and sometimes pushy princess. As you can guess, this relationship develops into something more despite the ignorance inherent in the young. I was enraptured. I could think of little else I wanted than for the two to fall in love, save that he also need win against the evil encroaching upon the land.

So it has been with story after story, echoing a longing and joy in my heart. That of love, and the picture of a comrade in arms to face the adventures of life with me. The women who have appealed to me throughout the wealth of myth have never been ones to remain faceless at home. They've walked the path with the man they loved. They have strengths and gifts all their own that make them invaluable allies. It is not to say that this is not sometimes accomplished on a different front than the one he fights, but there is always a united effort in service to a common destiny.

The two become one. The life is shared, as is the adventure, and together they face challenges known and mysteries unknown. It is this very special relationship found in a lifetime companion to walk the road. Side by side, every onward, from beginnings to end... friends, comrades, lovers.
What an incredible dream! What hope for the day when this is real in my life. And even moreso, hope for the day when the men and women of this very real world would do more than long for the love of legend and myth, but rather, they would come to live it!

Together, comrades in arms...


  1. I love this. That is awesome. I grew up on those books, they are some of my favorite ones I have ever read. Comrades in arms, I like that idea.

  2. Anonymous is Josie, by the way. Don't know why I'm anonymous.
